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This is attempt #3 in 3 years at a veggie garden in our back yard.


The first year I tried growing veggies in pots, I got a few tomatos, a miniature butternut squash, a mini watermelon, and a gigantic zuchinni, but that's it. That winter I planted Fava Beans as a cover crop in an area that I planned to make a veggie bed, and while the fava beans did very well, I failed to grow anything at all in the bed over the summer. The cover crop was not enough on it's own to make a good growing medium for the plants, and they all stayed about the size they were when I bought them in the nursery.

This year, I filled the bed with new soil, and am trying a random assortment of veggies.

The List:

  • Tomato (four varieties)
  • cherry tomato
  • eggplant
  • cucumber
  • crookneck sqaush
  • cantelope
  • watermelon
  • nasturiums
  • artichoke
  • corn
  • snap beans
  • edamame
  • sunflower edible
  • sunflower decorative



I bought three little 2" pots of blue-eyes grass at a local native plant nursery last year, and planted them in a wine barrel in the front yard. They hung on through the summer, but were never more than a few little 4" tall blades of grass in the pot. but after going through the winter, early this spring they exploded into these 12" tall blades with tons of beautiful blooms! They look especially good with the orange sticky monkey flower that blooms at the same time, and the euphorbia with the bright green bracts.



I went on a garden tour that was hosted by Bay Friendly Gardening a subset of the Alameda County sponsored program StopWaste.org.

This house in san Leandro was especially interesting because it used mostly CA native plants. The photo is of the from "lawn," which consists of wooley thyme, clumping grasses, and mazanita. All the work was professionally done by a company called four dimentions who were there at the garden and talked about CA natives for a while.




Plants that did not make it through the winter:



Pentas - I'm a littlr sad about this plant dying, I thought It was very pretty - I think bringing this one inside for the winter might have saved it.

Two of my four Hibiscus - I'm not sure that they are gone forever, but they won't be blooming anytime soon.

Plumeria - I brought this plant in for the winter, and it did well until the end if winter, when I discovered that the leaces were covered in spider mites. the leaves have all fallen off, and I'm hoping it will come back.

Persian Sheild - This plant completely died. This is the second winter in a row, I must need to bring it inside for the winter, or just use it as an annual, but I never see them in the nurseries until late in the summer.

more to be listed...



A great place to share seeds you've saved, and get seeds from others who have saved them.
