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The daffodils in the backyard are starting to bloom already... This seems to be happening earlier each year.Last year they came up pretty early, but didn't bloom until February.
A while back (maybe two weeks) I planted some seeds in wine barrel #2 I planted Morning glory, CA poppy, and two others I can't remember now... and promptly forgot about them.Today I noticed that all five of the morning glories have popped up out of the soil... this is already better than my attempt at planting them in the spring ( I think only two or three came up out of 6 planted and then two of those were promptly eaten by grasshoppers). I saw some other seedling coming up out of the soil, but it's hard to tell if they are seeds I planted or the seedling that come up everywhere around our house from bird droppings (a shrub of some sort - i'm growing a couple of them to see what they are but it's going to take a while to find out).

Some of the seeds are starting to come up! The bad thing about these Jiffy 7 seed trays is that they don't leave enough room for the seedlings - there is only about a 1/2" between the top of the pots and the plastic top. Maybe the trick is to put all the same kind of seed in one tray so they all come up at the same time and then you can just take the lid off once they come up, but what home gardener needs that many of the same plant?

One of them came up and then promptly died - the CA Bluebells

    Seeds that are coming up:
  • CA Rockcress
  • Weed from my backyard
  • Nicotiana
  • CA poppy
        some others look like they are starting to poke through the soil:
      • Echanecia
      • Sweetpea
      • Lunaria
      • Flat-leaved parsley
      • Blue-eyed grass
      • Neighbors mimosa
      • Dill Penstemon
        One's that haven't shown any growth yet:
      • UC Arboretum Tree
      • Summer blue delphinium
      • cynglossum
      • freesia
      • morning glory

Ugh! I am so heartbroken... my Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' which was was in full bloom and looking gorgeous(even more so than in the photo below which was taken a couple weeks ago), was completely destroyed, and not just destroyed - they took it with them to hide the evidence, so I can't even try to propagate it into more plants from the broken parts...All they left was a short little stump. Hopefully it will come back next year.
Our place is being re-roofed today, and it's stressing me out. I have already spotted some destruction in the garden (my plumeria plant has been snapped in half). I don't even want to go look at anything else that might be destroyed. It's mostly annoying because I specifically asked if I should move some of the plants, and they said no they'll be fine. Clearly that's not the case.

My mom bought me a couple of the jiffy seed starting trays that she saw on sale somewhere or another, and I'm super-glad she did because the jiffy seed starter trays that I had were intended to hold the jiffy 5 peat pots, and I had two packages of jiffy 7 refills (which don't fit nicely in the 5 trays); these new trays she got however, are for the jiffy 7 peat pots...Yay! So I decided to try to start from seed some of the plants that should be started in fall in CA.

I have never had any luck with growing anything from seed. But I've learned a few tips and tricks so I keep trying...Tip #1 tamp the soil down after planting the seeds, so there is good soil/seed contact (Thank you Annie of Annies Annuals for that tip). Also, this is the part I usually screw up on, but you need to prevent the seedlings from dying of rot (damping off) where the seedling is too moist next to the soil. I have yet to figure out the secret to this. I am putting these seed trays next to a south facing widow with partially open vertical blinds.

Here's a list - Seed tray 1:

  • Sweet Pea
  • Echanecia
  • Freesia
  • Cynglossum
  • CA Bluebells
  • Lunaria
  • A weed from my backyard
  • morning glory
  • CA Poppy (white)
    Seed tray 2: Mimosa from a neighbor
  • CA Rockcress
  • Blue-eyed grass
  • Nicotiana
  • Flat-leaved Parsley
  • Tree from UC Davis Arboretum
  • Delphinium Summer Blues
  • Dill
  • Penstemon Rocky Mtn.