SO onions were one of the companion plants for strawberries. and even thought these strawberries are in a container, I thought I'd try it out. After this last rain, they are starting to send their shoots up!
Started blooming yesterday. It seems to be doing a lot better than many of the other bulbs I planted last fall.
I heart monkey flowers, they are CA natives, so they do fantastic in my zone, and they bloom like crazy once they are happy. I bought this guy last year at Annie's Annuals. It's just started blooming...I love the color on this bloom!
Two melons, - a leek and a scallion all purchased from the Baker Creek seed bank in Petaluma, CA
planted a week and a half ago, or maybe it was two weeks...

planted a week and a half ago, or maybe it was two weeks...

This small shrub of geraniums came with the house. It does very well each year and blooms prolifically as long as I remove the dead flower heads...
I have not really been a fan of geraniums, maybe I had a bit of geranium overload as a child of the 70's, and I never liked the smell of them.
Having said that I am thoroughly impressed with this little shrub, and the number of other established geraniums in the neighborhood. They flower a lot, and do well in the area.
The Yarrow in Wine Barrel #3 is starting to bloom...
Wine Barrel #3 now contains:
Yarrow - which is doing well - maybe a little too well in fact, it's threatening to engulf the whole barrel. I keep pulling runners out of the left side to keep it clear, and now have a ton of small potted yarrow becasue of it
Euphorbia - Same kind that's in Wine Barrel #1, this first year I planted these I made an attempt to have #1 and #3 mirror each other in plantings, but most of what was in #3 died that first year becasue of too much sun exposure (and not enough watering on my part). So this euphorbia is stunted compared to the other, but is now looking more established than it has the past two seasons.
Scarlet Monkey Flower - I thought this had died, but it's now coming back and is also thretening an invasion. It should have some gorgeous blooms on it in a couple months...
Echanicea - I thought this had died for good too, but it's on it's way back, still very small at the moment, but looking good, and nothing has eaten it yet...
California Fuschia - Bought this last year and stuck it in this barell when I thought everything else had died.
These also came with the house. The neighbors front yard consists of nothing but these. I don't know what they are - do you? They have kind of fuzzy leaves that are silver on the underside.
I started these seeds about 10 days ago.
Cilantro - 6 sprouts
Cherry Tomato - 3 sprouts
Squash - 4 sprouts
lettuce - lots
Cucumber - 5 sprouts
Pepper (no sprouts )
Cilantro - 6 sprouts
Cherry Tomato - 3 sprouts
Squash - 4 sprouts
lettuce - lots
Cucumber - 5 sprouts
Pepper (no sprouts )
These also came with the house, but this year with all the rain, they are looking pretty gorgeous! Tons of blooms, and big, lush foliage.
They also make great cricket catchers. I've found at least four in the blooms, and was able to crush them easily.
Today I fed the blueberries some azalea & rhododendron food. I read somewhere to fertilize blueberries in the spring when they flower, which they are doing now (OK well some of them are done and are working on making fruit already). The directions said to give quite a bit, I hope I haven't overdone it...
I skipped giving the new blueberries the food, since they've probably been fed like crazy from the nursery.
I skipped giving the new blueberries the food, since they've probably been fed like crazy from the nursery.
Today we put up a birdbath made out of an old satellite dish. I got the idea from instructables
It's mounted on an old stump in the backyard, that we can't really do anything else with. It's probably not the most ideal birdbath, since the dish is metal, and the location is in full sun from about noon until the evening, but I figure the birds will be able to enjoy it in the morning and evening.
It's mounted on an old stump in the backyard, that we can't really do anything else with. It's probably not the most ideal birdbath, since the dish is metal, and the location is in full sun from about noon until the evening, but I figure the birds will be able to enjoy it in the morning and evening.
I wish I knew what rose this was, It's really gorgeous!
This rose bush came with the house, and has never really bloomed, either being eaten by bugs, or just not getting enough water to produce blooms. This year it got cut way back, and got an extra long winter and here is the result!
This rose bush came with the house, and has never really bloomed, either being eaten by bugs, or just not getting enough water to produce blooms. This year it got cut way back, and got an extra long winter and here is the result!
Caught One on Camera!
I recently found my hummingbird feeder and hung it up for the birds outside my living room window. Here's one of the ladies taking a drink.
I recently found my hummingbird feeder and hung it up for the birds outside my living room window. Here's one of the ladies taking a drink.
The rose that came with the house in the front yard is getting ready to bloom. This is the best it's looked in the four years we've been here. It got cut back hard this year, and all the rain we've been getting must have been great for it.
Wine Barrel #1 is blooming away.

This Wine Barrel contains Blue-eyed grass, Euphorbia Amygdaliid, Sticky Monkey Flower, Bat-faced Cuphea, and a Delphinium. The Delphinium and Bat-faced Cuphea will bloom later...

This Wine Barrel contains Blue-eyed grass, Euphorbia Amygdaliid, Sticky Monkey Flower, Bat-faced Cuphea, and a Delphinium. The Delphinium and Bat-faced Cuphea will bloom later...

My favorite combo in this planter is the Blue-eyed grass and Euphorbia blooms that compliment each other so well...
I'm not sure what to do about this, I suspect this damage has been done by crickets. I don't want to use pesticides.
Today I found a specific Hibiscus I've been looking for for years. I first saw it at the home of Chick Fil-A founder, Truett Cathy, while on a tour of his automobile collection in Georgia with the Cadillac & LaSalle Club. I remember seeing this variety, taking a photo, and thinking "I want that one." About a year later, I did see it in a nursery in Alameda, and found out it was called "Painted Lady" but it was like $35 or $40 for a five-gallon plant, so I reluctantly walked away.
Today I went to Home Depot looking for a hummingbird-friendly plant, and while there wasn't a great selection of red tubular flowering plants at his point in the season, I did find this Painted Lady Hibiscus, at a fantastic price, a five gallon pot was $13.95.
Today I went to Home Depot looking for a hummingbird-friendly plant, and while there wasn't a great selection of red tubular flowering plants at his point in the season, I did find this Painted Lady Hibiscus, at a fantastic price, a five gallon pot was $13.95.
I've been looking for a Bluecrop or Blueray blueberry this season, I used to have both and they were flavorful and performed well for many years, until I killed them by not repotting them one year. I tried a few locations of my local small nursery chain, Navlet's, but their bare root blueberries were gone pretty much as soon as they arrived. so I missed that opportunity. and have been checking all Nursuries every where I went this year. I'd given up hope on blueberries, but today, I saw a Bluecrop at Home Depot, for $4.95. So I picked it up, as well as a Jersey.
So, we've had a really wet spring this year in CA, and while that is great for the ever-low water levels, and spring skiing, it's not so great for tulip bulbs as it turns out. Today the National Gardening Association posted this on their Facebook page:
The National Gardening Association - Bonus Tip | Control Tulip Blight | During periods of cool, wet weather, botrytis blight disease causes blotchy leaves and flowers that die before opening. To prevent the disease, mulch bulbs so spores don't splash on the foliage and remove diseased plants and faded flowers.
The six bulbs I had outside totally have this. Only of the six got to the point of having a bit of the flower left - and that one probably won't open all the way.
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