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A few weeks ago, I noticed that there was a weed in wine barrel #2, I thought to myself, "I should pull that out, but I'll wait a bit to make sure it's not something interesting."

I'm glad I decided not to pull it as it now has blooms getting ready to pop, and it looks like it's a butterfly weed.
I decided to pull out the sweet peas this week, since they have been dried up for a while now. I took the opportunity to collect some seeds to plant this fall...

I don't think you're supposed to let your herbs go to flower, something about changing the taste... but I rarely use any of mine, as I don't really cook all that much, so I usually let them go. I especially love the oregano and it's purple blooms.

It's in a shallow pot with a sage, some rosemary, chives hidden in the middle, and a couple other things... I've forgotten what they are and have lost the tags for them. These herbs are surprisingly tough, I didn't think they aould all survive in this shallow little pot all jammed together, but they love it! - Granted, they are all smaller than what they would be if they had a little more space, but still very happy.

I've got a small collection of black plants.

 There are three cannas, a black millet, black mondo grass, and phormium 'black adder'
This Saliva died within a week of buying it, I'm sure I either over watered it, or didn't have it in enough sun. It's a bummer because it had a really cool purple bloom.
OK well, the planter itself is not my favorite, but the plants in it are. I will someday find an appropriate planter to move these plants into - probably something purple or Green, or ivory maybe...

here's all the plants in it:

Here's the Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'

here's the purple shield (Strobilanthes Dyerianus)

Here's the Purple Heart (Setcreasea pallid)

here's the Bugleweed (ajuga 'chocolate chip') The Bugleweed foliage used to be more purple, I think It might need more sun exposure to get that color again.

more posts on this planter:



These two showed up on my doorstep today, I'm very excited, and want to read them, but am already in the middle of two books so they'll have to wait...

Natural Enemies Handbook: The Illustrated Guide to Biological Pest Control (Publication (University of California (System). Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources), 3386.)

Designing California Native Gardens: The Plant Community Approach to Artful, Ecological Gardens
These are all from the raised bed in the backyard. I'm trying not to be jealous of neighbors veggies that I see ripening already...

Squash I think this is a yellow variety.

Cherry tomatoes


Wee little cucumber starting out...

Asclepias Tuberosa - in yellow and bi-colored.

They started blooming last week, I don't think I have enough of them to attract monarchs to breed or eat here, but maybe I can propagate these two plants into some more, and make a little field of them.

they are a perennial (I've has these for two or three years). Apparently they are ok in all zones. needs good drainage, and moderate water. these that I have in 1-gallon pots, I water about every other day in the summer.
I went here yesterday with a friend of mine. It's free to check it out, but maybe because it's supposed to be a native plant garden, or maybe just because it isn't being kept up... it's a little scraggly. The pathways are overgrown with plants, the labels that exist don't necessarily have that plant nearby, and many of the plants that exist don't have labels.

It is sorted by area of California, there's are nine California habitats represented. There are a number of grassy areas to hang out and picnic or enjoy the sun. They also seem to have a good number of classes that they offer, and there is a nursery, where you can buy plants, but it wasn't open when I visited, which is probably a good thing for my bank account.

Some Kind of Salvia

Fried Egg Plant

Flannel Bush
I'm not sure what I did, but I killed this Penstemon.
This Lobelia Speciosa is called 'Queen Victoria'

Bright Shade/AM Sun
(I keep it in bright shade under the Oak in our backyard)

Avg. water/Moist
(It's in a pot, and I water it every other day)

USDA zones 3b-10

I got this cuphea a few years ago, as a little 4" pot. It's done wonderfully, and has taken over half of this wine barrel. It's got an explosion of blooms that have lasted weeks.

It's a great indicator plant wilting slightly when it needs water.

Zone 8-11
This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds
Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping
Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater

I keep this plant in a wine barrel on the SW corner of the house where it gets morning and afternoon sun, but is under the shade of a maple in mid-day
The Catmint is blooming! But it does seem to be attracting all the neighborhood cats... I may need to move it into the backyard.
Are finally growing!

While I was at Annies Annuals for the Bug talk, I had a weak moment while I was there and dropped about $90 on plants, here's what I bought:

Mimulus Aurantiacus
Canna Paprika
Saliva Clevelandii Musk Sage
Vitex Agnus Castus Chaste Tree
Penstemon Eatonii Firecracker Penstemon
Asclepias Fasciculares Milkweed
Agastache Rupestris
Dicliptera Suberecia Uraguyan Firecracker Plant
Keckilla Cordifolia Heartleaf Penstemon
Penstemon Centranthifolius
Alstromeria the third harmonic
Galvezia Speciosa Island Bush Snapdragon
Phormium Black Adder
Salvia Semiatrata
Pennisetum ginurum Purple Majesty