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It's really blooming compared to my last photo of it!

I'm really surprised it's doing so well.. All through the spring and early summer it looked like it was barely hanging on. I hope I can keep it alive through the winter.

On my vivist to Murphy's I stopped at one of the two awesome nurseries up there, Murphy's Nursey... and ended up buying an aster, and a euphorbia.

Euphorbia Breathless 'White' - Chamaesyce x hybrida
This euphorbia is so delicate and lacy, it almost has the feel of baby's breath, but even lighter and airier. The tag says it takes full sun, and will get to be 14" high. It says it's ideal for containers, which is great, because I'm picturing this one in a container with some dark flax, or maybe an aloe...

Aster Latiaflorus 'prince'
Whn I saw this aster of the table, I instantly fell in love with it's dark foliage, and tiny bright little pinkish-white blooms. it will be 24-36" tall and wide, and the zones are listed as Sunset zone 1-10, and 14-24. I'm in 14, lucky for me!

Last weekend, I went to Murphy's California, for an event at the Ironstone Winery. The grounds there were gorgeous, and they had a fantastic topiary shrub that spelled out the name Ironstone.

The Red King Humbert Canna is blooming this week... I love this one because it's nice and tall!

This is a lipstick salivia which is called this because of the pattern on the petals. I saw a large version of this in Oakland in from of someones house, and the owner said it grew like a weed, and after they severely cut it back it came back quickly and more full.

Some of the petals actually come out all white or all pink:


This weekends harvest

The Tomato plants

Carnage from something eating the tomatoes right off the vine.

I found this tiny little Bonsai planters at Pottery World in Rocklin, and thought they would be perfect for some tiny little groundcover or moss. I found this Elfin Thyme at Nauvlet's and squished them into the pots.


There are a couple of different Salvias in this pot - Salvia 'Salsa Purple' & Savia 'Forest Fire' (Purple/Red).

I think they go very well together. I bought them back in May, but didn't plant them right away, and they suffered for it, it's just now that they've made a recovery, and are looking good... I think the purple is an annual, but I'm hoping the forest fire will come back next year.

This guy is getting pretty long, I'm thinking of giving it a trim, and seeing if I can propagate new plants from the cuttings.

Dichondra apparently makes a good ground cover - books and labels claim full sun, put I have it in partial to mostly shade, It gets a bit of direct sun in the late afternoon. regular water.
I bought this planter this weekend(mostly because it's the most gorgeous shade of blue, but also because it was on sale) and found a cute little yellow and white Lantana at Navlets to put in it (there was no specific name or this one on the tag just a generic "Lantana' name). I brought it home and thought I should add in some white trailing flowers too. maybe Alyssum...

Lantana does REALLY well in California, especially when given enough space to thrive. It will die back in the winter if there is frost but will come back the next year. They are not fans of shade - since they are prone to mildew, I've had a couple in shade that haven't even thought about blooming.

Here it is with the alyssum and a few white pansies...


I Have killed these in the past, so I was very very happy when this one got to the point of blooming...

I've killed them in the past by over watering, so I planted this one right away in wine barrel #3, which gets the most direct sun, and avoided watering too much right near the plant.

It's looking healthy and happy, just a bit scrawny. If it survives to next year, maybe it will expand it's territory in the barrel...

Some info on California Fuschia:
Blooms in late summer/fall - 6 to 12" high by 36" wide, blooms for a long time and hummingbirds like it. cut plants back after it finishes blooming. some varieties send out runners, is drought tolerant in cooler areas, needs water in hot full sun summers. cold hardy to zone 8a.

Tag says:

full sun (but I have it pretty much in full shade, it might get about a half hour of sun in the afternoon...)

Fuchia Hybrida 'Gardenmeister' more heat tolerant than many fuschias


Perennial, Sunset zones 2-24 USDA zones 6-10 Need ample water, since it grows along streams in nature. hummingbird plant - To 2’ tall and 1.5’ wide. Sun-Pt.Shade.

These guys die back every winter/spring, and come back every summer for me. Easy to propagate by pulling up sections as they spread out of it's designated area.

As I was watering this morning I see this on the one tomato that was nearest being ripe. I was going to enjoy eating it in a couple of days...
I love the pale green blooms on the Nicotiana 'Hummingbird lemon lime' I've bought it three years in a row since I first found it, and this year, instead of buying the little six packs, I bought one in a 4" pot that was already doing well. It has done VERY well, and is in an absolute explosion of blooms. I think next year, I will buy the 4" pots again.