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I was really happy to see this post from Bay Natives Nursery in SF on Facebook about their native grass sod options:
"Native grass sod now available by the square foot in six different flavors."

Sod Flavors avail:
  • Fescue blend (Festuca occidentalis, F. idahoensis, and F. rubra) 
  • Grassland Mix (Koelaria macrantha, Deschampsia elongata, and Festuca rubra) 
  • Bentgrass Sod (Agrostis pallens) 
  • Bioswale Sod (Hordeum brachyantherum, Hordeum brach. ssp. calif...ornicum, Nassella pulchra, and Festuca rubra 'Pt. Molate') 
  • Heartland Sod (Nassella pulchra, Nassella cernua, Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. californicum, and Molate fescue) 
  • Preservation Mix (Koelaria macrantha, Nassella pulchra, Nassella cernua, and Molate fescue).