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 The first blooms from the bulbs I planted in February are the muscari. I was afraid they wouldn't bloom, since I had planted them so late (In CA, they should be planted in late fall). They are very cute and a great introduction to spring.

I always buy blue freesias but they never come up blue.

These bulbs bloomed last year, but they didn't look as nice as they do this year!

The freesia snuck in there this year -they've been naturalizing themselves all over the yard.

Tulip orange
Freesia yellow
Camassia blue

Everything is starting to come out of its winter slumber.

I planted these just a couple of weeks ago. In these three containers there is a blend of the following bulbs:

Dwarf iris

I also planted some Acidanthera gladiolus (also called Gladiolus callianthus or Gladiolus callianthus muriela), that came from Costco it was a pack of 100 bulbs so I've been planting them around other places as well...I also planted these previously but they haven't bloomed yet even after two years...

narcissus that came with the house.

 I bought a few annuals to brighten the yard up while we wait for things to bloom.

The sourgrass or Oxalis 'pes-caprae' is in full bloom along with the blue Ipheion 'Rolf Fiedler'

The sourgrass came with the house, and returns every year, the Ipheion was added by me, and has naturalized a bit. This year it has really taken off!