I bought this plant at Home Depot without really knowing what it was. But I really liked the bright red on the stems, and it looked like it was about to bloom (see an even brighter red flower pod was at the base of the plant).
I looked all over on the internet looking for what it was, and then found the name right on the tag ;-) Philodendron Congo 'Rojo'
It seems that different resources have different ideas of what the plant will tolerate, it's a tropical plant, and will do will in zone 10 and 11, but seems like it will do well in zone 7-9 as either an annual or as a perennial that will die back in the winter.
It seems as though it should do well as an indoor plant, but I don't think it's getting enough sun, and I've both under and over watered it in the month or so that I've had it. It seems to have been potted in a medium that seems to hold onto moisture for a long time.
today I'm putting it outside to get a shot of sunlight (though not direct).
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