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This Winter has been pretty mild so far, with the exception of a week of below-freezing temperatures in mid-december, and a few of the plants are hanging in there, and actually blooming.

 Nicotiana - this was a stray plant that sprung up from seed, it's just bloomed a week or so ago, and looks like a chocolate version

 Passion Flower Vince has hung in there through the freeze in mid December, and seems to be doing well, I found this caterpillar on it, which is a Gulf Fritillary(Agraulis vanillae), or passion butterfly, that feeds on Passionflower, how lucky am I that it found mine - or maybe it's been living with the plant the whole time since I got it from Annies Annuals?
The Phygelius capensis 'Magenta' or cape figwort, cape fuchsia, which is a south african plant has also survived the freeze very well, and is getting ready to bloom.

The pseuderanthemum 'Rubrum' is the dead stick in the same planter. It did not survive the freeze.  I was hoping maybe it would come back but after reading about it, I don't think it will.